Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Importance of Life Insurance

Many people talk about life insurance and why it's important, but there are still many misunderstandings regarding life insurance policies. Many people aren't sure if they need life insurance, and if they do- how much insurance is necessary? What kind of insurance?

Who Needs Life Insurance?

First of all, most people believe life insurance is taken out to pay for the burial expenses of the policyholder. And while this may be part of the reason people obtain life insurance, this is not what the insurance coverage is intended for! Life insurance is meant to replace the income that is lost by the policyholder's death, and to be used to pay for the needs of the deceased policyholder when you are no longer earning money to do so. If you have children or relatives who depend on your income, then you should have life insurance.

For young, single individuals with no dependents, there is really no need for life insurance. If you are an older individual with retirement savings or pension, it may not be necessary to have life insurance on top of the money that would become available to your spouse from your savings and pension.

Stay at home parents might think they don't need life insurance policies as they're not earning wages, but this is not the case. Consider how much it would cost to hire people to do all of the daily tasks you do- from day care, to housekeeping to financial management to grocery shopping, errand running and cooking. If you have a special needs family member, what would it cost to have special care arranged if you were not able to do it? Life insurance for a stay at home parent would allow the family to hire people in the event of your death to continue on doing the things you were routinely doing for the family.

As the wage earner of a family, your life insurance should replace your salary, plus pay off the mortgage, college tuitions for kids, or maybe career training for a spouse who might have to re-enter the workforce upon your untimely death.

Once you've determined you should have life insurance, your next step is to figure out how much life insurance you need. Having an estimated figure in mind will make it easier to select the appropriate life insurance policy.

Life Insurance Agents

Buying life insurance is similar to buying car insurance. You work with insurance agents who will help you weigh the options and make a decision as to the type of policy you should have. When searching for life insurance agents, you will want to talk to at least three different agents in order to make sure you get a good understanding of the options available. Shopping around is important.

If at any point while talking to a life insurance agent about the different policy options you feel like they are rushing you or pressuring you to buy a larger policy than you need, or they simply aren't taking the time to explain things to you, it is in your best interest to walk away. Life insurance agents are supposed to explain the options and help you understand your own needs and how life insurance can help- then back off to let you make your own decisions pertaining to the type and amount of insurance policy you wish to carry. These are important considerations because many life insurance agents are paid on commission, so it is in their tendency to push higher priced policies on consumers.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

The cancer insurance bottle

When shopping for cancer insurance, there are many things that can be confusing. For example, a lot of companies quote you based on units. This quoting system is effective if you know what a unit is. But if you don't then you could find yourself confused by the process. So, what is a unit? A unit basically is how much money that can get paid out to you. When you are shopping for insurance instead of looking for units, try looking for something easier to understand, such as plans that are named, like: Basic, Enhanced, and Premier. Then, do a side-by-side comparison of the different plans to see how much each plan pays out and how much they cost. That will make it easier to know what your options are, so you can make a more informed and better decision.

Another thing to look for when you are shopping for insurance is a company that can offer you both accident insurance AND cancer insurance on ONE policy, rather than having to have two separate policies. This can be a real money-saver.

Also,be sure to look for policies that include rich wellness benefits. For example, some policies will pay for three annual tests, while others will only pay for one. What are wellness benefits you may ask...supplemental health plans usually pay you for getting your annual pap, mammogram and in some cases one more test like a chest X-Ray or an EKG. This feature, in itself, can sometimes pay for the plan by putting money back into your pocket, but not all plans are equal! Look for a cancer insurance policy that pays for more than one wellness test - you might as well go with the policy that pays for more tests, so that you can be getting the most for your money.

Next, you should look for insurance companies that have names you recognize. Some companies have been around a very long time, so their names are easily recognizable. Chances are, those companies can offer you better policies and will support their customers long after the paperwork is signed. Companies with less-known names have not been around as long and might not be able to provide you with the customer support that you may need in the future.

That brings us to our last thing to look for when purchasing or shopping for insurance. Look for a company whose agents will be with you down the road. Ask if the agent who signs you up will be the agent you will deal with in the future. If they aren't you might want to keep shopping.

Main Points:

* Less confusion when a plan is named and not explained in units
* Look for a plan that has accident coverage and critical illness - all in one policy!
* There are companies that offer more than one wellness test, in fact some offer up to three a year!
* Go with a company name you recognize
* Find an agent that will be with you after they've sold the policy!

So, when you are next shopping for supplemental cancer insurance, keep these tips in mind. They will help you to find the policy that will give you the most for your money, as well an agent that will be there for you when you need them. That is what having insurance is all about - taking the stress out of difficult times - and having a person there for you to help when you need it the most.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Is Life Insurance enough??

The family "bread winner" is the person who needs to be covered by life insurance to protect his or her family from financial ruin in case they die and leave behind a large amount of debt, including the mortgage on their home. But how much is enough?

Being securely covered with a good solid term life policy will be all that is required to see that the family is financially secure when that main provider dies. Depending on the circumstances, and that will vary from family to family, is to carry enough life insurance to be able to provide at least five years worth of income plus pay off any mortgage left on the family home.

Having a million dollar policy would be nice but would also prove to be extremely expensive when paying those monthly premiums over the course of a life time. Buy what you can afford but do buy life insurance. Ask advice from an insurance counselor or expert in the insurance field regarding which type and how big the benefits should be for your particular situation.

Cost of a good term life insurance policy will be lower the younger you are when first purchasing the policy. Keep in mind that there will be fees involved and they will depend on the type of policy you choose to buy. Look for affordable life insurance through your place of employment, and expect to pay more if you are a "high risk" candidate such as a smoker, over weight, or have an occupation or hobby that falls into the dangerous or high risk category.

With the convenience of the internet you can obtain several quotes for life insurance coverage and compare what the individual providers have to offer. Then ask that counselor or expert for their opinion. It pays to shop around in order to get the most coverage for your hard earned dollars.

Choose all you must but make sure you do get yourself an insurance policy for life. It is your best bet against any unpleasant surprise that may come to your family in case of your untimely death. Consult an expert and he may be able to guide you all the way through, right from what policy to take and also which one's premiums you can realistically and comfortably afford. Research well and choose what suits you. A life insurance policy can prove to be really important.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Term Insurance Versus Whole Life Insurance

well after a week whithout net I saw this very interesting article..
NOT a DESEASE bit it can almost be lol

Term? Whole Life? Which one to choose? This is the ultimate question when you are planning to purchase coverage to protect yourself while you are alive.

First let's look at the differences between Term vs Whole Life insurance.

Term Insurance:

Simply put term ins is pure coverage for a set number of years. You are protecting yourself and the income that you produce for a period of time. We say protecting your income because that is what live insurance is. Your children are dependent on you for your income and if something happens to you then your income is protected with this coverage. With term the monthly premium does not fluctuate during that period of time either.

A term policy can be purchased in increments of one year to 30 years and that is generally the time period that you need life insurance for. Once your children have grown up and can support themselves there will no longer be a need to have this type of coverage if you continue to save and invest your money outside of your term policy.

The beneficiary is named on the policy (could be your spouse or other family members) and upon the death of the insured the set amount is paid out to the beneficiary.

Term policies costs much, much less than WholeLife Policies do. There is no investment portion associated with this type of assurance coverage.

WholeLife Coverage:

This type of permanent insurance combines Term Ins and an investment together. The policy holder pays a monthly premium for the rest of his/her life. It is life insurance for the entire period the insured is living (plus an investment component).

With this type of permanent coverage you need to know that as people age the risk of death increases which makes the cost of insuring you much more expensive. If you understand this then you will realize that even if the ins agent tell you that you will pay the same each month in a permanent policy your monthly premium will start to creep up higher and higher in the future.

Different from Term, with Whole Life Ins you now have an investment component tied to your policy (under the ins co) which could be in:

Bonds / Money-market / Stocks

The monthly premium is also a set amount (that is what you are told) each month and generally more expensive than Term ins.

A portion of the funds that you are paying on a Whole Life policy will go into an investment vehicle which is the cash value portion of a permanent policy. There are a few investment vehicles to choose from with the insurer. You are able to "borrow" the money and pay it back with interest. Meaning that you can borrow for emergencies, family vacation and especially your children's college fund is what will be told to you by your ins co agent.

Building Cash Value

The cash value investment is held within and attached directly to your policy for the duration of the policy. The first year of the policy there will be no cash value because the money that you pay the first year is used to pay the high commissions the agent receives for pushing this type of ins to his or her customers.

Life ins premiums, whether term or wholelife tend to increase much more dramatically after age 50. Keep in mind that Term Life insurance companies may not insure people over the age of 65.

As we noted before the cost to insure a person rises with age so when the policy holder gets older. Initially the policy costs will start to eat away at the cash value where the amounts will start to decrease. As soon as the cash value amount is depleted the policy holder will see higher monthly payments in the future without realizing it especially if payments area already automated to be deducted from their bank account.

Term Insurance versus Whole Life Insurance? Which one?

Term Life is much less expensive and with your savings you can put that money into any investment which you choose and control.

Wholelife is coverage plus an investment component. The investment component is marketed as "forced savings" but it is savings within a limited number of investments under the control of the live insurance company. Ask yourself would you ever have any type of investment tied to your auto ins? It just does not make any sense.

Our recommended strategy:

When getting your term policy life insurance you can calculate the difference between a term policy and a wholelife policy.

It would be wise to buy term insurance policy and invest the money that you save in any investment vehicle of your choosing whether it be in money market, bonds, mutual funds or stocks outside of ins. You will have coverage and full control of your money (you won't need to borrow it if it was a permanent policy).

Evan Povich is a representative of Insurance Comparisons Site. offers term quote life insurance from over 100 of the top insurance companies offering life insurace quotes, car insurance quotes, health insurance quotes, homeowners insurance quotes and Long term care insurance (LTC Quotes).

Individual life agents have a vested interest in providing you with only one option: a life insurence policy with the company they work for. As an insurance comparison site our job is to provide you with multiple competitive and cheap life ins quotes allowing you to compare and decide for your self which one is the best option. This will save you not only an immense amount of time but a serious amount of money.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Life insurance quotes

Insurance has become more of a necessity more than a luxury in the present times. Life is so very precious that we have to protect it at any cost. Even if we lose our life, we should not leave our loved ones helpless. Death is a visitor that might make an appearance at any point. Our death should not shatter our family who will be dependent on us so that we should leave them some monetary benefits. To safeguard our monetary status during and after our life, insurance quotes are in place.

Insurance companies abound the market with the variety of insurance policies and benefits they offer. Insurance quotes need to be approached carefully in that one should be well informed on all the details associated with the policy. Once you are thorough about the policy, one can choose any company or policy freely.

Any person who is the sole earner for the whole family will be anxious about the family's future after their lifetime. While signing for any insurance plan, it is better to let the family know the benefits they can avail from the respective policy. Have a look at the quotes from various companies and in consultation with the family on the benefits associated with the policy, make an appropriate choice.

It is necessary for the singles too to have the right insurance policies so that in the event of his or her death, the family can pay off the debts incurred by the insurer during his or her lifetime. It is very difficult for the family if there is no insurance for the single. Hence it is very essential for the singles to have insurance policies in their names. The need for money in times of causality is a reality that we cannot avoid. Hence one has to look for the best insurance quote available and avail from it without waiting for any causality to come in your way.

It is best to compare the insurance quotes offered by many companies before zeroing in on one. The benefits associated with different policies differ widely. And it is best to see if the benefits proclaimed by the companies are feasible. Find out about all the benefits before selecting one.

In case the insurance seeker is totally unaware of the policy's different aspects, it is better to get an expert advice. Find out about the premium one has to remit, the terms of the premium payment, if it is monthly or annually. Insurance quotes differ across the companies in the same way as that of the kinds of insurance policies.

The insurance quotes come in different types: health insurance to cover medical expenses that will also include expenditure on treatment and accident relief. Vehicle insurance is there to provide insurance cover for the rider. Family insurance so that the whole family will be protected if the injured individual dies due to any natural catastrophe, health related reasons or accident. Scrutinize the kinds of insurance quotes and make an appropriate choice good enough for the whole family.

Free Insurance Quotes: Getting The Best Life Insurance

As life is very uncertain, it also follows that other people are quite frantic and obtaining free insurance quotes for choosing life insurance policies might prove very useful. If you are most people who are very futuristic and would like to have a concrete assurance that your belongings and best of all your life will be ensured should misfortunes befall any of those mentioned. It is also not at all surprising to discover frantic individuals who would like to place so much faith on health insurance policies to secure their future aging days. Likewise, it is also not difficult to understand why car owners try to look for the best deals when it comes to car security policies.
So if you are quite serious in buying a policy that will really fit into your needs, investing on free insurance quotes will lift off some of the greatest burdens you will be encountering in identifying a rightful policy. Yes definitely it will be of so much relief if you purchase these minimally priced yet very aidful information sheets. But if you think that perhaps these are just mere sheets containing figures with side bits of greetings and enthusiastic business agendas then perhaps its high time that you take another look at those sheets which you formerly set-aside.
The figures and all information contained per sheet is not at all placed there just to bore you. Rather their special placement is a perfect act of generosity that is sure to help you get what you really want from a policy without having to trouble you a lot. Why lesser trouble? This is simple because you need not visit or place calls on one company after another just to get the satisfaction that you need.
Since it is quite a very fascinating and interesting thing to do as your precious time will not be taken so much except for a few parcel the next best thing to uncover is where to get the best deals when it comes to these information sheets. Well just like any other items, you can also go to the online market and do a quick search on the information sheets that you need. With just a simple click and you are on your way to finding out the best deals in policies that is sure to keep your health and belongings in the safest possible financial frame work.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Selecting the Lawyers of Mesothelioma Or Asbestos Cancer

Today i've decided to post something that Will help someone choosing the lawyer to his case besause of asbestos exposure..

I'm sure you'll read this..

Recent years have witnessed a remarkable growth in mesothelioma cases across the US. The extraordinary increase in mesothelioma cases has bred a new set of proficient lawyers who are capable in coping with mesothelioma and asbestos lawsuits.

These lawyers frequently deal exclusively with mesothelioma sufferers who want to claim compensation from unruly companies that were responsible for their exposure to asbestos. By filing a reliable lawsuit, experienced lawyers assist sufferers gather millions of dollars in compensation for their families.

Mesothelioma (asbestos cancer) is the biggest reason why so a lot of people nowadays are hiring lawyers and going after a variety of asbestos companies. A lot of companies in the past have applied asbestos in their products although the fact that they did know how hazardous asbestos can be to human health. Actually, mesothelioma is also recognized as asbestos cancer by a lot of people simply for the reason that it almost always develops on account of exposure to asbestos.

Patient suffering from asbestos cancer require legal support for gaining compensation from the companies. There are a lot of lawyers which are dealing the cases of mesothelioma. Each person who is suffering from asbestos cancer is entitled for filling a lawsuit.

The patient or his family should do many researches before choosing an asbestos lawyer. You must go through the work experience of the lawyer or the company giving the legal support. The lawyer must be chosen on account of his success in cases of mesothelioma.

A mesothelioma lawyer can appraise extra costs that possibly will be covered under each claim, seeing that each case varies. It is significant to save all medical and financial records connecting to asbestos-induced disease for this intention.

Aside from giving these kinds of documents and responding questions concerning how you may have been exposed to asbestos, you will not have to be involved with other stages of the case. Mesothelioma lawyers know their clients may be very weary to cope with the details of filing a lawsuit or attending trial. Therefore, mesothelioma lawyers deal with every facet of the case.

An experienced asbestos lawyer will also be alert to the implications and understand how to handle the different parties involved, for example the guilty company and the insurance firms that possibly will seek negotiating a settlement.